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In this work, we mainly investigate the NH3 molecular multiphoton ionization process by using the photoelectron velocity map imaging technique. Under the condition of femtosecond laser (wavelength at 800 nm), the photoelectron images are detected. The channel switching and above-threshold ionization (ATI) effect are also confirmed. The kinetic energy spectrum (KES) and the photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) are obtained through the anti-Abel transformation from the original images, and then three ionization channels are confirmed successfully according to the Freeman resonance effect in a relatively low laser intensity region. In the excitation process, the intermediate resonance Rydberg states are
In recent years, experiments based on photoelectron imaging and intense femtosecond laser have become a powerful tool to detect the evolution and internal structure of molecules. Ultra-fast dynamics have been widely investigated in molecular, atomic, and electronic systems in a strong laser field. Furthermore, science has always focused on the structural characteristics and dynamic characteristics of excited molecular states. By using the ultrafast laser-induced multiphoton ionization technique, we can study Rydberg states, continuous states, and lifetimes of the excited states, and we can also further understand the photoionization process. Keldysh found that the multi-photon absorption would result in above-threshold ionization (ATI) when the Keldysh parameter
Recently, strong field ionization of NH3 molecules has become a popular topic.[12–16] The NH3 is a typical oblate symmetric top. Because of the existence of orbital and vibrational degeneracies, the NH3 molecule becomes an important system for studying the vibration interaction. In 1978, using (2 + 2) REMPI technology, Colson et al.[17] studied the excited electronic states of NH3 molecules, and discovered new electron states under the static pool[18] and molecular beam[19] conditions. At the same time, its rotation spectrum was also studied. Subsequently, in 1984, Ashfold and partners[20] further studied the spectrum of NH3 molecules and high Rydberg states by using photoelectron spectroscopy and multiphoton ionization energy spectrum, which enriched our understanding of the structure of NH3 molecules. In 1986, Xie et al.[21] detailed the
Ionized electrons carry the initial atomic or molecular dynamics and structure information. Therefore, the analysis from the photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) and kinetic energy distributions (KEDs) can make us indirectly understand the molecular dynamics process and internal structure. From quantum controlled and state selected ammonia molecules, one can further investigate the NH3 reaction dynamics and molecular dynamics.
We studied the photoelectron imaging of NH3 in an intense laser field. The experimental apparatus that was employed in the present work was described briefly and the details had been given in previous studies.[23,24] The laser system used in this work was a Ti:sapphire chirped-pulse amplification system with a central wavelength of 800 nm, which generated a pulse duration of 50 fs and a maximum value of 4-mJ output energy per pulse at a 1-kHz repetition rate. The laser intensity was calibrated by measuring the energy shift of the non-resonant ATI peaks of Xe; for further details, please see Refs. [25] and. [26] In our measurement, the laser polarization was parallel to the detector of velocity map imaging (VMI). The laser beams were focused on supersonic molecular beam through a convex lens. A neon carrier introduced 1% NH3 into the source chamber via a 0.5-mm orifice of a pulsed valve (General Valve Series 9) at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The molecular beam was produced and was then passed through a skimmer into the hexapole chamber where the rotational states were selected and focused by the inhomogeneous electrostatic field. Each rotational state selected molecular beam then crossed the laser at a right-angle in the interaction chamber. To obtain high-resolution images of electrons, the −5000 V/−3820 V voltage ratio was applied to the repeller and the extractor in the VMI. Two-dimensional photoelectron images were produced from the ionization of NH3, and the signals were recorded by using a dual micro-channel plate/P47 phosphor screen in conjunction with a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. All of the measurements were transferred into the computer for further processing.
We investigate the resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of ammonia in an 800-nm femtosecond intense laser system by using a VMI detector. The laser intensity ranges from 1.6×1013 W/cm2 to 5.7×1013 W/cm2. There are no other ion fragments in this experiment, which ensures that the electrons are ionized from the parent ions. The original images of two-dimensional velocity distributions are obtained by CCD.
To enhance the molecular beam intensity and the ionization signals, a hexapole is chosen. The force exerted on the molecules by the electric field governs the molecular motion inside the hexapole. The molecular trajectory follows the Newton differential equation
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The quantum controlled ammonia molecules interact with the 800-nm femetosecond laser behind the hexapole, and the photoelectron images are detected. Figure
To analyze the measurement results more directly and clearly, we extract the electron kinetic energy distributions from the original images. In Fig.
In the present experiment, the kinetic energy calibration is based on the electron imaging of the Xe atom, which is detected under the same condition. By converting the pixel points into kinetic energy and comparing with the corresponding Xe channels, we obtain the value of the kinetic energy calibration. The ATI peak shifts occur in the photoelectron energy spectrum, which is caused by changing laser intensity. According to the ponderomotive force potential, the up energy is in proportion to I/ω2, ω is the laser frequency, and I is the laser intensity. Photoelectron energy distribution depends on relative laser intensity. The Xe photoelectron energy spectrum should satisfy
To find the intermediate states in Fig.
To further identify our intermediate process, we extract the photoelectron angular distribution information from original images; as shown in Fig.
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From Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. Angular distributions of same peak with different laser intensities. Panel (a) is from peak 1 and panel (b) is from peak 2. The r-coordinate refers to intensity / arb.unit. |
With the combination of photoelectron kinetic energy distributions and photoelectron angular distributions, we identify each channel switching and intermediate process, as confirmed in Fig.
In this paper, we analyze the internal structure and resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) process of NH3 molecules by using an 800-nm laser wavelength intense laser induced photoelectron velocity map imaging detection. First, the NH3 molecular ionization is enhanced by hexapole. Then, the photoelectrons are focused by an ion lens in a velocity map imaging (VMI) system and they are collected by CCD to obtain the original images. The photoelectron velocity distributions and photoelectron angular distributions are extracted from the original images. Thus, the channel switching can be analyzed and we reveal the contribution of the resonance effect to the process of strong field ionization. By comparing the original photoelectron images and kinetic energy spectrum, the quantum state channel switching is confirmed. Combined with the identification of the literature and Freeman resonance technique, the results are analyzed and each peak is identified in the electron energy spectrum. We also show the possible causes and deviations. Under the condition of the 800 nm laser wavelength, photoelectron kinetic energy peaks are located at 0.99 eV, 0.33 eV, and 0.75 eV. In the excitation process, the intermediate resonance states are
The authors thank Liu Fu-Chunʼs group for their helpful discussion.
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